Tips in finding the perfect name for your kid - Every parents wants the best for their kids. One of the things that they really want to be special is the name that they will give their children. A name is very important because it will serve as your child’s mark in her lifetime. It will be like an identity mark that she will be using in every transaction, in everything that she does.
Most parents would choose the name that first popped into their minds or the names that they really really like. Most of the names will come from popular names in the media or popular figures in recent history. Parents have the tendency to name their child after a person that they really admire, be it a celebrity or relative.
In giving names to your child, it is important that you also consider some factors:

1. Initials
Words that will be formed from the initials of the person will likely be a source of teasing and jokes. Be very careful in choosing the names of your child. For instance, the name Princess Irene Gonzales may be a really beautiful name but if you take a look at the initials that the name will form, PIG. This can become a source of anguish for your child.
2. Unique names
Choose a name that are unique but do not make it too unique. Remember that your child will be using the name you will give him and her in all the transactions and activities that they will encounter in their lifetimes. Having a name that is hard to pronounce and spell can be frustrating for a child.
3. Meanings of the name
Names have meaning and one way to make your baby’s name really special is to name the child according to how you see him or her in your life. There are hundreds of books that will help you select baby names. You can also log on to website and enter the names that you are considering to know what those names mean. There are also websites, which display hundreds of names in alphabetical order with the corresponding meanings of the name. This way you can actually choose from the names and their meanings.
4. Does it sound right?
When you have several names that you are considering, say the names out loud and see if it sounds right? Parents will know because they have instincts about these names. Another way to finally decide between several names is by combining the names but do this only if you are stuck with two to three names. Giving your baby a name that is more than three is not good. Giving three names is not even advisable if the name is hard to spell, long and even harder to pronounce.
5. Naming them after relatives
When children are named after relatives or even their father, it will help if you use their middle name as their nickname to avoid confusion at home especially if the person they are named after lives with them.
6. Popularity
Consider that the names that are popular right now may not be popular in the another 20 years. Give your baby a name that you really like and not because it is the popular name at the moment. You can never go wrong with names that are really unique or those that you think really represent the person that you want your baby to be when they grow up.
Most parents would choose the name that first popped into their minds or the names that they really really like. Most of the names will come from popular names in the media or popular figures in recent history. Parents have the tendency to name their child after a person that they really admire, be it a celebrity or relative.
In giving names to your child, it is important that you also consider some factors:

1. Initials
Words that will be formed from the initials of the person will likely be a source of teasing and jokes. Be very careful in choosing the names of your child. For instance, the name Princess Irene Gonzales may be a really beautiful name but if you take a look at the initials that the name will form, PIG. This can become a source of anguish for your child.
2. Unique names
Choose a name that are unique but do not make it too unique. Remember that your child will be using the name you will give him and her in all the transactions and activities that they will encounter in their lifetimes. Having a name that is hard to pronounce and spell can be frustrating for a child.
3. Meanings of the name
Names have meaning and one way to make your baby’s name really special is to name the child according to how you see him or her in your life. There are hundreds of books that will help you select baby names. You can also log on to website and enter the names that you are considering to know what those names mean. There are also websites, which display hundreds of names in alphabetical order with the corresponding meanings of the name. This way you can actually choose from the names and their meanings.
4. Does it sound right?
When you have several names that you are considering, say the names out loud and see if it sounds right? Parents will know because they have instincts about these names. Another way to finally decide between several names is by combining the names but do this only if you are stuck with two to three names. Giving your baby a name that is more than three is not good. Giving three names is not even advisable if the name is hard to spell, long and even harder to pronounce.
5. Naming them after relatives
When children are named after relatives or even their father, it will help if you use their middle name as their nickname to avoid confusion at home especially if the person they are named after lives with them.
6. Popularity
Consider that the names that are popular right now may not be popular in the another 20 years. Give your baby a name that you really like and not because it is the popular name at the moment. You can never go wrong with names that are really unique or those that you think really represent the person that you want your baby to be when they grow up.